Monday, December 11, 2006

Fr. David Nuss on Raising Catholic Children

Last night, I drove over to Immaculate Conception parish in Port Clinton, OH, where I was privileged to hear the Diocese of Toledo's director of vocations, Fr. David Nuss, speak on the issue of raising Catholic children.

I was fortunate enough to briefly speak with Fr. Nuss (with whom I have corresponded in the past via email) after his talk. We talked about the role blogging can play in evangelization efforts. Take a look at Fr. Nuss's vocations blog here.

Previous Pro Ecclesia posts on this subject:
The Diocese of Toledo Ordained 4 New Priests This Past Saturday

New to the Blogroll: Vocations Links

Speaking of Vocations

"God or the Girl" - My Impressions

"Something In My Heart ...

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