Monday, June 05, 2006

The Diocese of Toledo Ordained 4 New Priests This Past Saturday

From the Toledo Blade:
The Toledo Catholic Diocese is set to ordain its largest class of priests in nine years with a Mass this morning in Rosary Cathedral.

“This is our largest ordination class in nearly 10 years,” said the Rev. David Nuss, the diocese’s director of vocations. “Against the backdrop of everything that has occurred, it is a most extraordinary event. It’s an uplifting event not only for Catholics but indeed for all people as these men so courageously and impressively dedicate their lives to serving other people.”

The four ordinands are David Cirata, of Shelby, Ohio; Jacob Gordon, of Paulding, Ohio; Monte Hoyles, of Attica, Ohio, and Jeff McBeth, of Toledo.

In interviews this week, all four said that although they thought about the priesthood early in life, they first pursued secular careers before choosing to enter the seminary.


Bishop Leonard Blair of the Diocese of Toledo lays his hands on the head of David Cirata, who was one of four men ordained into the Roman Catholic priesthood yesterday at Rosary Cathedral on Collingwood Boulevard. The bishop’s gesture, while conferring sacramental ordination, signifies incorporation into the church presbyterate. (The Blade/Andy Morrison)

From the Toledo Catholic Chronicle:
Four men will begin a new chapter in their lives June 3 when Bishop Leonard P. Blair ordains them to the diocesan priesthood.

In their final months in the seminary, deacons David J. Cirata, Jacob A. Gordon, Monte J. Hoyles and Jeffrey R. McBeth have been busy balancing spiritual preparation, exams and schoolwork, family and friends, and other obligations.

Deacon McBeth described feeling a sense of "excited anxiousness" for ordination.

"I am certainly looking forward to that day," he explained. "But also more looking out to not just one day, but to a priestly life of ministry, just wondering what that will be like."

Deacon Hoyles is ready for his new life as a priest. "It's a big step in my life, but it's a step the seminary has prepared me well to take.

"I thought I would be more nervous than I am," he continued. "The only conclusion I can come to is that this is exactly what God wants me to do ... when we what God wants us to do, there's no reason to be nervous."

Deacon Gordon said he feels a deep sense of awe, joy and thanksgiving.

"I'm kind of trembling when I think about the responsibility that I'm being entrusted with. To be given the grace and the gift of the priesthood to celebrate Mass -- to say those words.

"Nobody is really truly worthy for this calling, but yet we trust in the love of God who calls us," he continued. "I believe that I've been confirmed in my vocation by God in so many ways.

Ordination always seemed so far away, Deacon Cirata said, and it has recently hit him that is no longer the case. He feels "excitement and anticipation" for the day.

"I feel as ready as I'll ever be for it," he said. "It's a good feeling ... I'm ready for this step."

Be sure to check out the Diocese of Toledo's vocations website and its vocations blog, Follow Me: Seeking to Find God in Everyday Experience.

Previous Pro Ecclesia posts on this subject:
New to the Blogroll: Vocations Links

Speaking of Vocations

"God or the Girl" - My Impressions

"Something In My Heart ...


At 6/06/2006 9:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your former (and my current) diocese of Richmond is doing better in the vocations department as well:


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