Monday, December 11, 2006

Pro-Life Senator Sam Brownback Says He'll Win GOP Presidential Primary

(Hat tip: Steve Dillard)

Washington, DC ( -- His name recognition and national stature aren't as strong as some of the leading possible GOP presidential candidates, but pro-life Kansas Sen. Sam Brownback says he will win the Republican presidential primary in 2008.

Brownback filed papers on Monday to establish an exploratory campaign committee to gauge his support for a presidential bid.

Yet, in an interview with the Topeka Capital Journal newspaper, he sounds like a full-fledged candidate who is putting together a plan for victory.

"I don't see it as a long shot," he said. "I think once the candidates' positions are known on the various topics, I'm going to win this."

And the other candidate's positions likely won't win them any favor with the pro-life movement.

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Arizona Sen. John McCain, New York Governor George Pataki and Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney are some of the leading candidates for the Republican nomination.

But, both Giuliani and Pataki back abortion, they and McCain support forcing taxpayers to pay for embryonic stem cell research, and Romney is a recent pro-life convert who some pro-life advocates say changed his position in order to run for president.

Brownback told the newspaper what he lacks in funding or name identification he will make up for in aggressive campaigning. That will boost both and prove to the conservative Republicans who dominate the Iowa caucuses that he's one of them.

"I will spend a lot of time in retail politics in the early primary states articulating where I stand," he said. "I am where the people stand."


Previous Pro Ecclesia posts on this subject:
Brownback Eyes 2008 White House Bid

Students for Brownback

Looks Like Feddie's Endorsing Brownback, Too

Mr. Compassionate Conservative

Sen. Brownback Files Bill Against Assisted Suicide

Washington Post Profile on Sen. Sam Brownback

USCCB Official Expresses Gratitude to Sen. Brownback for Hearings on Capital Punishment

Senator Brownback Conducts Senate Hearings To Examine Pornography's Effects On Families, Society

Will This Catholic Senator Be the Next President?

Kansas Senator Brownback, Looking at Presidential Bid, Makes Faith the Bedrock of Campaign


  1. and how great would it be to see Mike Steele at the bottom of the ticket?

  2. That WOULD be a nice ticket.

  3. Interesting you have a quote from Thomas More, who supported euthanasia, on the same page as Sen. Brownback who thinks terminally ill people should suffer, as it brings them closer to Jesus.

  4. Anonymous,

    Interesting that you provide (a) no links to back up your assertions and (b) no context to what you are claiming.

  5. Anonymous is referring to the Utopians approval of committing suicide when they are terminally ill, with the consent of the community leaders (which, incidentally, is technically not euthanasia, since the the person in question is killing himself, not someone else killing them). Taking Utopia at face value, and attributing all of the practices of the Utopians as being More's own serious positions, is a guaranteed way to get it wrong (and in some places to make More himself look quite foolish).


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