Friday, May 04, 2007

"God and Country" and the National Day of Prayer

For yesterday's National Day of Prayer, Fr. Martin Fox at Bonfire of the Vanities blogged an on-the-money post about the pitfalls of rallies and events that promote "God and Country".

Check it out. And, by the way, I'm looking forward to meeting Fr. Fox next week during the Darwins' blogging pilgrimage to Ohio.

A question: I have a good friend (my RCIA sponsor, in fact) who is a member of the Knights of Columbus, and he told me once that the Knights of Columbus were founded, in part, to combat the once-prevalent notion that Catholics couldn't be good patriotic Americans (you know, what with our being beholden to a "foreign power" and all). Can anyone confirm that for me?



At 5/04/2007 4:48 PM, Blogger Christine the Soccer Mom said...

Jay, I'm not sure about the patriotism in the way you put it. From what the biography of Fr. McGivney says, the Knights were founded mainly because of Fr. McGivney's distress that families of meager means were split up if the father died. He very nearly had to leave seminary when his own father died, and many of his parishioners suffered when the husbands died leaving little ones still home with his wife. He started the Knights in order to obtain life insurance for eligible members. It was also to combat the temptation to join secret societies (like the Moose, the Masons, etc.) for the fraternal aspects. These were the two big reasons for founding the Knights.

The Columbus part, if I recall correctly, was to show a bit of love for America, and it was actually Fr. McGivney's idea to call it the "Sons of Columbus," but the men liked "Knights" better because it sounded really cool.

You are all little boys at heart. ;)

If you haven't read it yet, I recommend Parish Priest. When Hubby made his First Degree as a Knight, his brother Knights gave him a copy of it as a present. It's really wonderful, and not too difficult a read, either. (By which I mean, it's a quick read.) The Knights of Columbus website has a lot of information, and the section on the history of the organization might be especially helpful.

Now, mind you, I am not a Knight. But my dad has been one ever since I can remember. I love the organization and was thrilled when Hubby joined. He's a Third Degree Knight now. :)

At 5/04/2007 7:42 PM, Blogger Fr Martin Fox said...


I wouldn't say that's why the Knights were founded, but patriotism is one of the principles of the Knights of Columbus.

I am proud to be a 4th degree Knight! (No fancy hat, however!)

At 5/07/2007 7:35 AM, Blogger Christine the Soccer Mom said... hat and sword? What's the point?

Or did you make a deal like I did with Hubby?

If he gets the fancy hat and sword, I get a princess hat from the Disney store. ;)

At 5/07/2007 7:35 AM, Blogger Christine the Soccer Mom said...

Oops! Mea Culpa! I thought Jay was answering there!

Sorry, Father!


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