Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Leftists Will Attack Brownback for "Incomplete Conversion" to Catholicism

As I expected, the attacks against Sen. Brownback's Catholicism have already begun from the left. But they're NOT attacking him for being Catholic (they seem to have learned their lesson); rather, they're attacking him for being insufficiently Catholic.

You see, Sen. Brownback's conversion to the Faith was "incomplete" because he doesn't hold the "correct" views on certain issues on which the Church doesn't seem to have taken a definitive position one way or the other. According to these folks, Brownback is still an evangelical at heart, a member of the "religious right". And this isn't the first time these accusations have been leveled at Sen. Brownback from those on the left.

But it's quite apparent that what these detractors are really objecting to is NOT that Sen. Brownback votes insufficiently like a Catholic, but rather that he votes insufficiently like a Democrat.

Previous Pro Ecclesia posts on this subject:
Democrat Party Sycophants ...



At 1/23/2007 3:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wont say I agree with the Senator's stands on all those issues, though I agree with a lot of them. However, a raving attack like that, claiming all Catholics have to move in lockstep on issues where there's no doctrinal judgement, seems to be just plain screwy. No one does "judgemantal" quite so well as a liberal.

At 1/23/2007 4:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmm - it seemed to work for all of you wingnuts during the 04 election when you attacked John Kerry - a cradle Catholic.

Stay tuned - "Catholics Against Brownback" coming soon.

I can see the bill boards in Toledo now. Maybe we can get the same ones used in 04 to attack Senator Kerry.

At 1/23/2007 5:13 PM, Blogger Pro Ecclesia said...

I wasn't blogging in '04.

I don't like it when people call into the question the authenticity of one's Catholicism. Unless and until one has been formally excommunicated, anyone that has been baptised Catholic or otherwise received into the Church is a Catholic. Period.

I will say it for the record: Just as it is inappropriate to question the authenticity of Sen. Brownback's conversion, it is inappropriate for anyone to question whether John Kerry or Nancy Pelosi are authentically "Catholic". That is between them and their bishops.

It is NOT, however, inappropriate to point out that their positions on particular issues are antithetical and even hostile to Catholic teaching.

At 1/23/2007 7:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Point taken - then we should surely agree that none of them fit Catholic Teaching.


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