Sunday, January 21, 2007

Democrat Party Sycophants ...

... are out in full force these days trying to convince Catholics to vote for Democrats. To listen to these folks, you'd think that the party that advocates abortion on demand and filibusters those judges who might be inclined to overturn Roe v. Wade is the real pro-life party.

You have to shake your head at the clear Church teaching with respect to the sanctity of life and the sanctity of the traditional family that one must ignore in order to support the Democrat agenda. And the arguments of the pro-Dem sycophants that Democrat policies actually reduce the "need" for abortion are speculative and specious at best (as if women with means don't have abortions).

The fact is that the Democrat Party advocates evil. Whatever else you want to say about the Democrat Party, it is the party of abortion. It advocates it. It protects it. It filibusters in favor of it. It issues executive orders to reinstate it. It draws its lifeblood from political donations coming from those who make it their business to see that there is no end to it.

The Democrat Party sycophants will counter with "But the Republicans do X ..." or with "Bush does Y ..." Who cares? I'm not a Republican, and will not vote for any Republican who does not share my views on these matters.

Unlike you Democrat Party sycophants, those of us who actually care about Church teaching aren't interested in advocating on behalf of a particular political party. You are interested in electing Democrats. Period. We are interested in electing those who take seriously the issues of the sanctity of life and the traditional family. To the extent we are unsuccessful in our efforts, so be it. Humans are fallible. But I will not vote to elect those who advocate evil and call it "choice".



At 1/21/2007 8:11 PM, Blogger BillyHW said...

I'm not a Republican

How are you going to vote for Sam Brownback in the primaries? Do they let you do that in the U.S. if you're not a member?

At 1/21/2007 9:05 PM, Blogger Pro Ecclesia said...

Open primary in many states, including Ohio.

Actually, in Ohio, you have to declare which ballot you want. So, I'd just ask for a "Republican" ballot in order to vote for Brownback.


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