Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Brownback: I Could Support Rudy

Disappointing, if true:
More signs of shifts toward Rudy Giuliani in the social conservative camp. Admits fellow presidential contender Sam Brownback, when asked if he could swallow supporting Rudy as the ‘08 nominee: “Oh, I think so. I believe in a big tent party. I believe in a party that binds people together even though we don’t agree on all of the topics, and so I think I could do that.”

Brownback then, of course, added: “But I think I’m going to be the nominee and not Rudy Giuliani.”
My Comments:
I suppose that one must demonstrate party loyalty if one is seeking a party's presidential nomination. But, I hope that Sen. Brownback recognizes (and as a candidate is willing to discuss) the implications for the pro-life/pro-family movement should Rudy Giuliani win the Republican nomination.

Previous Pro Ecclesia posts on this subject:
For the Second Day in a Row, I Find Myself in the Uncomfortable Position of Agreeing With the DNC

Meet the Next President: Giuliani Tops in Early GOP Polls

Presidential Election Still 2 Years Away, But GOP Seems Intent on Self-Immolation

The Conservative Case Against Rudy Giuliani In 2008

Southern Appeal Takes on The Anchoress' Support for Rudy Giuliani's Presidential Aspirations

Pro-Abort, Pro-Gay, Anti-Gun Republican Tops Pro-Abort, Pro-Gay, Anti-Gun Democrat in Recent Poll

Four in 10 Republicans Would Not Find McCain an "Acceptable" Nominee

Pro-Abort/Pro-Gay Republican Tops Pro-Abort/Pro-Gay Democrat In Presidential Poll - Who Cares?

Pat Robertson Says Giuliani Would Be "Good President"


  1. I don't get the Rudy buzz. Have McCain's fortunes sunk? As much as I detest the man, he would seem to have more to offer the various wings of the Republican party.

  2. Brownback is a pro-life conservative, but that doesn't mean that he's not a politician. He's going to say things we don't like.

    If one could be elected by being a straight-talking purist like us, Alan Keyes would president.


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