Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Brownback’s Big Backer

(Hat tip: Steve Dillard)

Help of ex-pizza mogul could start a domino effect of fundraising for the Kansas Republican:
WASHINGTON Domino’s pizza founder Tom Monaghan, one of the nation’s richest and most controversial Roman Catholic philanthropists, wants to deliver Sen. Sam Brownback to the White House.

Monaghan is advising the 2008 presidential exploratory committee for Brownback, a longtime social conservative who converted to Catholicism a few years ago.

Monaghan is expected to play a lead role in “Catholics for Brownback.” But, more important, his support and network is likely to spice up Brownback’s fundraising, which is currently regarded as the weakest part of the Kansas Republican’s candidacy.

“He brings to the table recognition in the Catholic community,” said Marlene Elwell, a Michigan political activist who used to work for Monaghan. “It’s always positive to have a leader in a community endorse you.”

“I hope he’ll help us in a number of ways, with people he knows around the country,” Brownback said. He downplayed their relationship, however, saying last week the two had seen each other “a couple of times, not on a regular basis.”

Monaghan declined an interview request.

The extent of Monaghan’s religious fervor could raise eyebrows among more secular voters.

“In the Catholic community, he’s looked upon as kind of on the fringes,” said the Rev. Robert Drinan, a liberal Roman Catholic priest and former Democratic congressman who teaches at Georgetown University. “The world view is, ‘We have to get back to a Catholic civilization.’ They want to go back to a Christian society imposed from above. … It’s just another world they want to build.”

Deal Hudson, a prominent conservative Catholic who knows Monaghan, said that Monaghan might see in Brownback — who cites “changing the culture” as a motivation for running — a kindred spirit.

“Tom doesn’t want to be associated with anyone who’s going to compromise,” said Hudson, executive director of the Morley Institute for Church and Culture and a former adviser to President Bush on Catholic issues. “That’s why he’s getting behind Sen. Brownback. …

“The message will be that Brownback meets the standard not just for what a presidential candidate should be, but also what a Catholic should be.”

While a leader in the fight against abortion, gay marriage and indecency in entertainment, Brownback has said he hopes his interest in international human rights will attract voters who do not share his socially conservative views.

My Comments:
I hope this doesn't cost Sen. Brownback the support of the Fumare guys.

Previous Pro Ecclesia posts on this subject:
Brownback: I Could Support Rudy

Sam Brownback Goes to Prison

Pro-Life Senator Sam Brownback Says He'll Win GOP Presidential Primary

Brownback Eyes 2008 White House Bid

Students for Brownback

Looks Like Feddie's Endorsing Brownback, Too

Mr. Compassionate Conservative

Sen. Brownback Files Bill Against Assisted Suicide

Washington Post Profile on Sen. Sam Brownback

USCCB Official Expresses Gratitude to Sen. Brownback for Hearings on Capital Punishment

Senator Brownback Conducts Senate Hearings To Examine Pornography's Effects On Families, Society

Will This Catholic Senator Be the Next President?

Kansas Senator Brownback, Looking at Presidential Bid, Makes Faith the Bedrock of Campaign


  1. Read my ruminations here, Jay:

    I like Sam a lot. My beef is with the Catholic clique that seems to be an ubiquitous presence.

  2. I'm bemused, even annoyed, by the quotation from Fr. Drinan. Who cares what he thinks about the movements of conservatives?

    AM, as for the clique, I say, let's get 'em on the side of the angels for once.

  3. Paul,

    I defer to my more learned collegue and friend--even if you were in the USAF!

    Let's hope these guys get a clue one day!

  4. I've always been a fan of Senator Brownback, but never more that when, during the Alito confirmation hearings he brought a lovely young model with Down Syndrome to the floor, reminding the Senators that 90% of these children are aborted, many by henious partial birth abortion, because of the Supreme Court's overturning of Nebraska's ban on the procedure. He also promoted a bill which would provide information on the potential of these people to expectant mothers whose child had been diagnosed with this and other anomalies.
    As the mother of a lovely 4 year old with DS, I fully support his candidacy, and pray that he wins against the forces of death. It will be an uphill struggle, but we have two years to work.

  5. And, who cares what Drinan thinks, he's nothing but a has-been anyway!


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