Tuesday, November 14, 2006

For the Second Day in a Row, I Find Myself in the Uncomfortable Position of Agreeing With the DNC

Yesterday, the Democrat National Committee slammed their favorite Republican, John McCain. Today, they take on Rudy Giuliani:
Democrats: Giuliani Out of Touch With Republican Base

(CNSNews.com) -
Word that former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani may run for president in 2008 prompted the following response from the Democratic National Committee. "It's unclear whether or not Rudy Giuliani will be able to just 'explain away' the fact that he's consistently taken positions that are completely opposite to the conservative Republican base on issues they hold near and dear. Throughout his career Giuliani has tried to paint himself as a moderate, but now that he's vying for his party's nomination, will he undergo an extreme makeover in an attempt to cozy up to the far-right?" Among other things, the DNC noted that Giuliani was registered Democrat for much of his life (Ronald Reagan also switched from the Democrat to the Republican Party). The DNC also noted that Giuliani is pro-choice, does not support a ban on partial-birth abortion, is "pro-gay-rights," opposed the Bush tax cuts, and is pro-gun-control.
I happen to agree with the DNC in both instances (McCain and Giuliani). But why are the Democrats so presumptuous as to insert themselves into the Republican nomination process 2 years away from the next election? Don't they have a Congress to run? Shouldn't they be worrying about Her Heinous, Queen Rodham, taking out their golden boy Obama in some sort of preemptive "accident" or something?

Previous Pro Ecclesia posts on this subject:
Meet the Next President: Giuliani Tops in Early GOP Polls

Presidential Election Still 2 Years Away, But GOP Seems Intent on Self-Immolation

The Conservative Case Against Rudy Giuliani In 2008

Southern Appeal Takes on The Anchoress' Support for Rudy Giuliani's Presidential Aspirations

Pro-Abort, Pro-Gay, Anti-Gun Republican Tops Pro-Abort, Pro-Gay, Anti-Gun Democrat in Recent Poll

Four in 10 Republicans Would Not Find McCain an "Acceptable" Nominee

Pro-Abort/Pro-Gay Republican Tops Pro-Abort/Pro-Gay Democrat In Presidential Poll - Who Cares?

Pat Robertson Says Giuliani Would Be "Good President"


  1. The DNC's position is easy enough to explain: they know there are no current GOP candidates that the Republican base can comfortably support without serious illusions (or delusions) and that are at the same time electable in the general election. Naturally they're doing their best to disillusion Republicans against the candidates they perceive as the greatest threats.

  2. I do think, though, that it is simply insane how early this race is beginning. Of course Hillary has been running for president for six years+, so I can see why so many of the potential Republican candidates see themselves as having some serious catching up to do.

  3. You forgot to mention that Rudy is pro-immigration. He made special accomodations for the wetbacks in NYC when he was mayor there.

  4. I think we can do without the racial epithets.

  5. Don't worry about agreeing with the NDC, it will be over soon eough. They'll go back to the hard left as soon as politically possible. They may even lay low until '09, sensing the large center that is not impressed with progressive policy.
    The next two years are dedicated to getting a Dem in the White House.

    As for immigration, let me tell it as I see it; We've killed off 40 million American citizens in the last 30+ years, which means that we're short, especially in manual labor-class folks. Where do we get a willing supply to make up for our short sighted gaffe? Mexico.

    You can mail my Nobel Prize check to my house. Thank you all.


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