Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Marines Would Rather Needy Children Go Without This Christmas Than Receive a Jesus Doll

It pains me to write this, but it seems that the Marine Reserves' Toys for Tots program has rejected a donation of Jesus dolls:
LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- A talking Jesus doll has been turned down by the Marine Reserves' Toys for Tots program.

A Los Angeles company offered to donate 4,000 of the 1 foot-tall dolls, which quote Bible verses, for distribution to needy children this holiday season. The battery-powered Jesus is one of several dolls manufactured by one2believe, a division of the Valencia-based Beverly Hills Teddy Bear Co., based on biblical figures.

But the charity balked because of the dolls' religious nature.

Toys are donated to kids based on financial need and "we don't know anything about their background, their religious affiliations," said Bill Grein, vice president of Marine Toys for Tots Foundation, in Quantico, Virginia.

As a government entity, Marines "don't profess one religion over another," Grein said Tuesday. "We can't take a chance on sending a talking Jesus doll to a Jewish family or a Muslim family."

Michael La Roe, director of business development for both companies, said the charity's decision left him "surprised and disappointed."

My Comments:
... Marines "don't profess one religion over another," Grein said Tuesday. "We can't take a chance on sending a talking Jesus doll to a Jewish family or a Muslim family."

We are talking about Christmas gifts, aren't we?

Donate to the Salvation Army instead.


  1. Uh, just who are the Marines giving CHRISTMAS presents to, then? I understand that the government doesn't "profess one religion over another," but how many needy Jews or Muslims are sending their kids to pick out CHRISTMAS gifts?

    Scratching my head over that one. . .

  2. Considering the way a lot of kids treat their dolls, I think the doll itself is a lousy idea. Do you really want an image of Our Lord to be dragged around by the head ? Shredded by the dog ? Dropped down the toilet ?

  3. I predict a great many marines will rise in anger against this example of pc mindlessness.

  4. First, this could be an isolated thing. Second, I agree that the doll would wind up being naked and stepped on (or chewed by the dog or sprayed by the cat). Yuck.

    Lastly, I believe that the Salvation Army is pro-choice. Please correct me if I'm wrong. (Seriously, please. Before the Red Kettles come out. If I'm wrong, then I'll donate a bit each time I pass them.)

  5. Here is the position of the Salvation Army on abortion: "

    "The Salvation Army believes in the sanctity of all human life from the moment of fertilisation. It considers each person to be of infinite value, and each life a gift from God to be cherished, nurtured and preserved.

    The Salvation Army actively supports efforts to protect and promote the welfare of the weak and defenceless person, including the unborn. It takes seriously the rights and needs of both the foetus and the mother. It accepts that termination of a pregnancy may be justified on certain limited grounds; that is, where, in the judgment of competent medical and allied staff, the pregnancy poses a serious threat to the life of the mother, or could result in irreversible physical injury to the mother.

    In cases of proven rape or legally defined incest an abortion may be justified because of the extent to which rape and incest violate the whole person. Termination of a pregnancy may also be justified where reliable diagnostic procedures determine that a foetal abnormality is present which is incompatible with life other than brief post-natal survival or where there is total absence of cognitive function.

    It is The Salvation Army's experience that, where unwanted pregnancies occur, in most instances it is best to counsel acceptance of the situation by all involved, for the foetus to be carried to term, and for all possible supportive help to be given.

    When an abortion has taken place The Salvation Army will seek to offer loving and compassionate pastoral care."

  6. Donald, thank you for doing my legwork for me. The statement starts out sounding very Pro Life, but ends up being wishy-washy Pro Choice. (Not actively Pro Abortion, though.)

    Much thinking to do about it...

  7. I thought Toys For Tots was to help poor children have a merry Christmas. Do Jewish & Muslim children celebrate Christmas?


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