Friday, April 01, 2011

Our Lady of Walsingham - 950th Anniversary [UPDATED]

Stephanie Mann of the excellent English-Reformation-themed blog Supremacy and Survival reports that the 950th anniversary of the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham is being commemorated this year.

Stephanie links to a blog post by John Whitehead on the same topic, in which he describes the Mass he attended at Westminster Cathedral that kicks off 6 months of celebration leading up to the feast day of Our Lady of Walsingham on September 24.

Our Lady of Walsingham is the patroness of our family's household, and I have written extensively on the subject at this blog (including describing my pilgrimage to the Shrine for the feast of Our Lady of Walsingham 5-and-a-half years ago), and will be blogging on the topic even more this year during the 950th anniversary celebration. For my past writing on the topic, just click on the "Walsingham" label below.

UPDATE More information on the 950th can be found at the Shrine's website, including a brochure of events and activities commemorating the anniversary.

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