A New Play About the Founder of the Knights of Columbus

From the blog of the Dominican Province of St. Joseph:
The Knights of Columbus recently asked Father Peter John Cameron O.P., to direct a play about their founder, Father Michael J. McGivney. The Catholic Transcript interviews Father Cameron about his own vocation.
"Author, editor, journalist, playwright, theatrical artistic director, professor of homiletics, preacher, retreat master - the list of Father Cameron's titles, interests and vocational activities is extensive. The common thread is his vocation. "My priesthood and my evangelizing ... my preaching is first," he said in an interview with The Catholic Transcript. "I'm a priest so that others can meet Jesus Christ," he said. "I met him and I realized that life doesn't make sense without him. Every need and longing of our heart has an answer, and he's the answer. When Christ gazes at you, your life changes. His gaze is on everyone, just waiting for our answer.""
Read the full article here.
Previous Pro Ecclesia posts on this subject:
Father Michael J. McGivney: A Saint for America
Decree on Heroic Virtues of Fr. Michael McGivney, Founder of Knights of Columbus
Labels: Art, Culture, Dominicans, History, Knights of Columbus, Priests
Too coll. I hope the play travels some so I can watch it
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