Thursday, June 17, 2010

David Cameron Apologizes for "Unjustifiable" Bloody Sunday Shootings

I'm not particularly fond of British Prime Minister David Cameron, but I'll give him kudos for this long overdue act of contrition:
David Cameron today issued a formal, state apology for the "unjustified and unjustifiable" killing of 14 civil rights marchers by British soldiers on Bloody Sunday in Derry 38 years ago.

The prime minister said Lord Saville inquiry's long-awaited report showed soldiers lied about their involvement in the killings, and that all of those who died were innocent.

He said the inquiry was "absolutely clear" and there were "no ambiguities" about the conclusions.

Cameron told the Commons: "What happened on Bloody Sunday was both unjustified and unjustifiable. It was wrong."

Relatives cheered as they watched the statement, relayed to screens outside the Guildhall in Derry.

Bloody Sunday, as the events on 30 January 30 1972 came to be known, was one of the most controversial moments of the Troubles. Paratroopers opened fire while trying to police a banned civil rights march.

They killed 13 marchers outright, and, according to Saville, wounded another 15, one of whom subsequently died later in hospital.

The 5,000-page, 10-volume report, which took 12 years to compile at a cost of almost £191m, concludes there was no justification for shooting at any of those killed or wounded on the march.


Father Edward Daly (later Bishop of Derry) waves a blood-stained white handkerchief while escorting the mortally wounded body of Jackie Duddy away from the fray. The event is commemorated in a Bogside mural in Derry (see below).

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At 6/18/2010 8:23 AM, Blogger Terry said...

Good on Cameron.

If you haven't seen the movie Bloody Sunday made in '02, it's pretty good.


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