Obama Culture of Death Update™: Among President Obama's First Official Acts is Promoting Abortion Abroad [UPDATED]
LifeNews reports that "Obama Officials Confirm He Will Fund Foreign Abortions Starting Wednesday":
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- Officials with the incoming administration of Barack Obama have confirmed that he will indeed overturn a pro-life policy of President Bush on his first day in office. Despite campaigning on the rhetoric of wanting to reduce abortions, Obama will make one of his first actions promoting them globally.This, despite a letter from Cardinal George, in his capacity as president of the USCCB, and another letter from a bipartisan group of 78 members of Congress, urging President Obama not to overturn the Mexico City Policy.
You can tell a lot about a man by what he makes his priorities. I am saddened by the loss of innocent life that will inevitably ensue from this sudden change in the policy of the United States government (not to mention that it will come at U.S. taxpayer expense).
Regular Guy Paul has a suggestion:
I invite you and everyone else to join me in calling the policy of providing federal funding for overseas abortion providers the "Douglas Kmiec Policy."
UPDATE #2 (23 January)
See Chris Blosser's post at Catholics in the Public Square: "Obama POSTPONES overturning Mexico City Policy".
Kudos to President Obama for not sticking his thumb in our eyes on this sad anniversary. That's small consolation knowing that he plans to overturn the Mexico City Policy soon anyway (possibly as early as today). But at least it shows some modicum of decorum that he chose not to do so as a way of "celebrating" the anniversary of Roe v. Wade the way Bill Clinton did.
UPDATE #3 (23 January)
Reuters reports that President Obama will overturn the Mexico City Policy today.
(Hat tip: Amy Welborn)
UPDATE #4 (24 January)
It's now a done deal.
Perhaps, one day, certain bloggers at certain blogs that purport to support a consistent ethic of life will find it in them to castigate President Obama for actually doing this heinous thing with as much vigor as they castigate his opponents for pointing out what the President has done (or for such trifling matters as being off by one day as to when the policy reversal would actually happen).
Perhaps, one day, certain bloggers at certain blogs that purport to support a consistent ethic of life will not seek to minimize the importance or gravity of such acts, but will instead criticize the President's anti-life policies with something a little more forceful than the mild scolding inherent in "While Obama is certainly wrong here, just look how much more wrong his opponents are there." Oooh, that tu quoque deflection will really do the trick of bringing the President around.
I suppose it might be giving certain bloggers too much credit to hope that they might react the same way I did when my presidential candidate of choice, Sen. Brownback, didn't respond as forcefully against the use of torture as I thought he should have. Mind you, I didn't (and don't) believe for one minute that Brownback actually supports torture, but I was angry that I hadn't heard an unequivocal denunciation of waterboarding and other so-called "enhanced interrogation techniques". I would appreciate the same level of outrage and indignation from Obama's Catholic supporters when he engages in policy-making that ought to shock our consciences.
Maybe one day. We can always hope.
Labels: Culture of Death, Obama, Obama Culture of Death Update™, Voting Your Values
Big day for america, I hope Obama will change the world !
"... I hope Obama will change the world !"
By pushing abortion abroad right out of the box, it sure looks like he's trying to ... for the worse. Not sure if that's the sort of "change" you're "hoping" for.
Obama is apparently not a "natural born" citizen and therefore constitutionally ineligible to be President. If this is true, then "President" Obama is a fraud who is illegally occupying the office of "President".
There are organizations who are planning to challenge all of "President" Obama's actions in "office". Every "executive order" he "issues", every bill he "signs", every "appointment" he "makes" and every "order" he "gives" to the military is to be challenged in federal court.
I would recommend that pro-life organizations join in this effort (pile on if you will and why not, Obama and his supporters are "piling on" the unborn) and challenge the constitutionality of his "executive orders" which promote abortion crime in America and around the world. The grounds would be: 1) any "action" he "takes" to promote destruction of unborn human life would be unconstitutional by violating the 14th Amendment guarantee of equal protection of the law; and 2) he is an unconstitutional usurper who is pretending to be "President" when in fact he is not.
We really need to go on the offensive and stay on the offensive against the unconstitutional fraud and humanitarian nightmare "President" Obama and his anti-life, anti-human agenda.
" Obama is apparently not a "natural born" citizen and therefore constitutionally ineligible to be President. If this is true, then "President" Obama is a fraud who is illegally occupying the office of "President".
There are organizations who are planning to challenge all of "President" Obama's actions in "office". Every "executive order" he "issues", every bill he "signs", every "appointment" he "makes" and every "order" he "gives" to the military is to be challenged in federal court.
I would recommend that pro-life organizations join in this effort ..."
And I would recommend that anyone with a shred of sanity and who doesn't want to be marginalized as a kook stay as far away from this effort as possible. Please, let's not taint the efforts of pro-lifers by getting involved in this sort of "Obama Derangement Syndrome" and "trutherism" nonsense.
Let's just not go there.
I like the trademark; I made sure to include it in my post linking to this one. How do you that font-wise?
On a more serious note, thank you for listing many of the people who argued Obama is pro-life. I think it critical for us to reclaim the Catholic vote by showing the left that the hard standards they rightfully applied to Bush should be applied to Obama as well, and that he's not living up to them. Reminding those people of the empty promises they made in Obama's name is an important part of that, so thanks for doing it.
"I like the trademark; I made sure to include it in my post linking to this one. How do you that font-wise?"
I can't remember exactly how I made the font come out right. I first did it for my Castro-Loving Commie Bastard™ posts pertaining to Hugo Chavez, and I believe I copied the ™ from another site. Try copying from my heading and see if the coding works automatically for you.
We call the policy of forbidding federal funding for organizations that provide abortions overseas the "Mexico City Policy."
Jay, I invite you and everyone else to join me in calling the policy of providing federal funding for overseas abortion providers the "Douglas Kmiec Policy."
I thought I heard FOCA was coming up for a vote in both the House and Senate this week. I haven't been able to find anything on it on the internet. Did I hear incorrectly?
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