Sunday, April 20, 2008

Pope at Yankee Stadium Says Protect Rights of Unborn in Womb

From Reuters:
... Benedict, saying Mass from a yellow, white and purple altar platform, said faith meant not being discouraged by difficulties, even when they enveloped the Church itself.

"It means not losing heart in the face of resistance, adversity and scandal," he said in his sermon in an apparent reference to the sexual abuse scandal in the United States, which was a major theme of his trip.

The loudest applause came when the pope denounced abortion, calling for protection of the rights of "the most defenseless of human beings, the unborn child in the mother's womb."

He also said Catholics should "reject a false dichotomy between faith and political life," a reference to the Church's position that Catholic politicians cannot support abortion or gay marriage in the name of pluralism or democracy...
(emphasis added)

The full text of the Holy Father's homily can be read here.

(Hat tip: Benedict in America blog)

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At 4/21/2008 7:35 AM, Blogger Leticia said...

It was a wonderful moment, and we were applauding here, two hours drive east of Yankee Stadium.

It reminded me of the homily given at St. Patrick's Cathedral for Cardinal O'Connor's funeral. When it was said that he was unequivocably pro-life, there was a standing ovation lasting several minutes, which forced the Gores and Clintons to their feet.
I hope this isn't missed by those Catholic politicians.


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