Wednesday, November 14, 2007

John Allen Interviews Archbishop Chaput Regarding Catholic Voting Guides

Rich Leonardi has the details over at Ten Reasons:
National Catholic Reporter's John Allen has been blogging from the bishops' meeting for the past two days. In one of his posts for today, he interviews Denver archbishop Charles J. Chaput about a range of topics, including what is meant by "proportionate reasons," i.e., circumstances in which it would be appropriate to vote for pro-abortion politicians:
[I]t means a reason we could confidently explain to the Lord Jesus and the victims of abortion when we meet them at the end of our lives, and we will meet them. ... That’s the only criterion.
My Comments:
That definition of "proportionate reasons" might explain the Archbishop's recent remarks regarding his not being completely satisfied with the proposed new USCCB document on voting.

Previous Pro Ecclesia posts on this subject:
John Allen Interviews Bishop DiMarzio Regarding Catholic Voting Guides

Archbishop Chaput Not Satisfied With Proposed New USCCB Document on Voting

Catholic Bishops’ Taxing Task: Election-Year Statement

Bishops' Document to Offer New Guidance on Catholics' Political Role

Vox Nova on Voter's Guides

Dueling Catholic Voter Guides

More on Catholic Voter Guides

Columnist: "Christian Right Driving Wedge Into US"

More From Amy Welborn on the "Dueling Catholic Voter Guides"

"Catholics in the Public Square" by Bishop Olmsted

Catholics Find Voting Guides a Test of Allegiance

Toledo Blade: "Catholic Voting Guide Gives Church Perspective"

Weigel: "An Electoral Battle of the Booklets?"

What's Missing?

"Not An Approved Catholic Voter Guide"

Kentucky Parishes Cautioned on Partisan Political Activity

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