Thursday, November 01, 2007

For All the Saints - Who Are Your Favorites?

In what is becoming an All Saints Day tradition here at Pro Ecclesia, I have, once again, listed some of my favorite saints:
1. Blessed Virgin Mary (under her title Our Lady of Walsingham, she is the patroness of my family)

2. St. Columba (my Confirmation saint)

3. St. Thomas More (patron saint of this blog)

4. St. Joseph

5. St. Dominic

6. St. Augustine of Hippo

7. St. George

8. St. Helena

9. St. Patrick

10. St. Peter
Who are some of your favorites?


  1. I'd have to go with St. Paul (naturally) at the top of the list, then Aquinas, Augustine, and Peter, in no particular order.

  2. I'm partial to St. Edwin of Northumbria, who I picked as my confirmation saint.

  3. Mother (especially as Our Lady of Mt Carmel), Sts. Joseph, Therese, Teresa, Aquinas, Alphonsus in particular. Kind of fond of St. Simplicius because I dig the name. ;)

  4. Saint Francis de Sales for his gentle strength, Saint Isaac Jogues and Companions for bravery, St. John de laSalle, my patron as a teacher, st. Martin DePorres, my name saint, holy men and women like Oscar Romero, Dorothy Day, Nano Nagle, Edmund Rice who inspire and challenge me

  5. Blessed Mother, St. Joseph, St. Michael the Archangel, St. Jerome, St. Edward the Confessor.

  6. Saint Thomas Becket, Saint Thomas More, Saint Joan of Arc, Saint Maximillian Kolbe and Saint Louis IX of France.

  7. St. James (the greater) patron of blacksmiths and Spanish conquistadors.

    St. Boniface, took an axe to the Oak of Thor in Germany.

    St. Thomas More, goes without saying.

    King St. Louis, knew how to organize a Crusade.

    St. Stanislaus, a patron saint who has taken good care of the spiritual health of the nation he protects.

    St. M. Kolbe, for bringing love and hope for humanity into one of the most awful places in history.

    Pope St. Pius V, feast of Our Lady of the Rosary.



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