Wednesday, June 20, 2007

President Bush to Veto Stem Cell Bill

Keeping his promises on this issue:
Pushing back against the Democratic-led Congress, President Bush intends to veto a bill Wednesday that would have eased restraints on federally funded embryonic stem cell research - work that supporters say holds promise for fighting disease. At the same time, Bush will issue an executive order directing the Health and Human Services Department to promote research into cells that, like human embryonic stem cells, also hold the potential of regenerating into different types of cells that could help treat illness.

White House spokesman Tony Fratto said Tuesday that Bush would outline an initiative that could make federal funding available for research on additional "pluripotent" stem cells - ones that can give rise to any kind of cell in the body except those required to develop a fetus.

The president has accused majority Democrats of recycling an old measure that he already vetoed and argued that the bill would mean American taxpayers would - for the first time - be compelled to support the deliberate destruction of human embryos.

"The president supports and encourages stem cell research - including using embryonic lines - as long as it does not involve creating, harming or destroying embryos," Fratto said. "That is an ethical line that should not be crossed."

Democrats made the legislation a top priority when they took control of the House and Senate in January, but they don't have enough votes to override Bush's decision.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi used Bush's veto threat as a reason to send out an e-mail letter soliciting contributions to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee to help elect more Democrats.
(emphasis added)

My Comments:
Apparently, Speaker Pelosi - the "Catholic grandmother"™ - sees ESCR as not only a "gift of God", but a "gift of God" to the Democrats.

Previous Pro Ecclesia posts on this subject:
Never Mind Church Teaching, Catholic Nancy Pelosi Says ESCR "a Gift of God"

Bush Vows to Veto Stem Cell Bill Passed in Democrat-Controlled Senate

Senate Approves Stem Cell Bill - Congress Still Short Votes Needed to Override President's Promised Veto

"These Boys and Girls Are NOT Spare Parts"

“Mr. President: Veto This Bill”

What a Bush Veto Would Mean for Stem Cells

Rove: Bush Will Veto Embryonic Stem Cell Bill

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At 6/20/2007 3:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's been vetoed! Go Bush! At least his pro-life actions have been 'spot-on'.


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