Thursday, June 07, 2007

Bill Would Force Pharmacists to Offer Contraception

Pro-abort "Catholic" (ED.: commenter Paul Zummo says she's Presbyterian) Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, once again, seems literally hell-bent on making abortion and contraception the only "choice" available:
( - Congressional Democrats and other advocates of emergency contraception on Wednesday introduced a bill that would require pharmacies to offer emergency birth control, even if the pharmacists object to doing so on moral grounds.

Emergency contraception, also referred to as the "morning after pill" or "Plan B," is available without a prescription to women 18 and older. The two-pill package prevents a fertilized egg from implanting in a woman's uterus, and pro-life advocates consider that a form of abortion.

Some pro-life pharmacists have come under fire for refusing to offer the pills because of their personal moral objections. The Access to Birth Control Act, introduced in the House by Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) and in the Senate by Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.), would require pharmacies that carry contraceptives to offer Plan B.

Pharmacists have "an obligation to serve women, provide them with access to medication," Maloney said at a news conference in Washington, D.C. "It is about health care. It's about the basic right to birth control."

The proposal would require pharmacies to "ensure that the contraceptive is provided to the customer without delay." If the pills are out of stock, pharmacies would be required to order them for the customer, or refer them to another pharmacy that stocks Plan B.

The bill says pharmacy employees may not "intimidate, threaten, or harass customers in the delivery of services relating to a request for contraception" or "interfere with or obstruct the delivery of services relating to a request for contraception."

Penalties would include a $5,000 fine for each day a violation occurs. The legislation would also allow women denied Plan B to sue pharmacies for damages in civil court.

My Comments:
Proving yet again that (1) the only folks allowed to exercise their "consciences" are those Catholic Democrats who routinely give the finger to the Church and her teachings, (2) the only "choice" that matters is abortion, and (3) the real "anti-choice" party is the Democrats.

Previous Pro Ecclesia posts on this subject:
Another Catholic Democrat Proves that the Democrats Are the Real "Anti-Choice" Party

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At 6/07/2007 9:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is she a Catholic? I ran a quick search the other day on religious affiliations of Congressmen and found that she was a Presbyterian.

Whatever the case, the pro-choice myth continues to explode in the face of truth.

At 6/07/2007 9:48 AM, Blogger Pro Ecclesia said...

You may be correct. I read someone else's comment at another blog stating that she was Catholic.

At 6/07/2007 10:10 AM, Blogger Sir Galen of Bristol said...

So, are they ready to reinstate the military draft and abolish any exemptions for conscientious objectors?

Hey, we want you to kill, we're going to make you kill.

I thought these people were the same ones chanting "hell no, we won't go!" a few years back.

At 6/07/2007 12:57 PM, Blogger Dad29 said...

In Wisconsin, all hospitals will be forced to stock and administer Plan B for rape victims, under proposed legislation.

Plan B seems to be Planned Parenthood's "flavor of the year."

At 6/07/2007 11:27 PM, Blogger Literacy-chic said...

Can't the pharmacist refer the customer to a pharmacist who doesn't object and so avoid the fine? Is there any fine for refusing to wait on a customer?


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