Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Another Catholic Democrat Proves that the Democrats Are the Real "Anti-Choice" Party

Correction: Rep. Carolyn Maloney is a Presbyterian, not a Catholic.

Cosmos-Liturgy-Sex (via The Curt Jester) reports that:
Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney has introduced a “Stop Deceptive Advertising for Women’s Services Act” which is targeting Planned Parenthood’s nemisis, the Crisis Pregnancy Centers.
“New York City has seen firsthand how crisis pregnancy centers deliberately confuse women by establishing themselves near legitimate reproductive health care centers. These fake clinics have opened in close proximity to our Brooklyn and Bronx centers, misleading clients seeking the unbiased care that Planned Parenthood provides. Planned Parenthood knows that women are completely capable of making the best decision for themselves and their families - without coercion, intimidation or lies. We provide our patients with a full range of medically accurate information about our services, as well as comprehensive unbiased counseling on all pregnancy options, including carrying a pregnancy to term, adoption, and abortion. As health care providers you need to be honest with your patients. Fake clinics are not honest. They are not health care providers and they need to stop pretending to be,” said Joan Malin, President and CEO of Planned Parenthood of New York City.
The Curt Jester notes
If it wasn't so evil you could almost admire the Orwellian language used. "legitimate reproductive health care centers" are the ones that help you not reproduce and the "deceptive" ones are the ones that help support you to reproduce.
My Comments:
So much for "choice" - unless that "choice" is to have an abortion, that is. Can't have folks "deceiving" women into not killing their kids.

I don't care how "corrupt", "uncaring", or "for the rich" the other party is, or how "compassionate" the latest universal health care scheme coming from the Democrats may be, no Catholic in good conscience should vote for a party that is so wedded to abortion-on-demand that it is willing to legislatively shut down the pro-life alternative to the abortion industry.

The Curt Jester on how to tell the difference between a "reproductive health center" and a Crisis Pregnancy Center.

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At 6/06/2007 6:39 AM, Blogger Brother James said...

And the unfailing support that 'catholic' democrats give to the abortion industry does beg for excommunications. If only more bishops had the stones to do it.

At 6/06/2007 7:59 AM, Blogger PB said...

Planned Parenthood knows that women are completely capable of making the best decision for themselves and their families

Great! Then let the women figure out if the crisis pregnancy center information is right for them!


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