Friday, November 10, 2006

Wal-Mart: We're Not Afraid to Say Merry Christmas

(Hat tip: Evangelical Catholicism)

Looks like Wal-Mart has reversed its policy re: "Merry Christmas":
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Wal-Mart has told its employees that it's OK to once again greet shoppers by saying "Merry Christmas" this holiday season instead of the generic "Happy Holidays."

CNN confirmed that Wal-Mart will announce Thursday that it plans to use the phrase "Merry Christmas" in products and around its stores this holiday season.

The announcement comes a year after religious groups such as The American Family Association and The Catholic League boycotted retailers including Wal-Mart last holiday season for excluding the word "Christmas" from products sold in stores.

"We, quite frankly, have learned a lesson from last year," Wal-Mart spokeswoman Linda Blakley told USA Today in a separate report. "We're not afraid to use the term 'Merry Christmas.' We'll use it early, and we'll use it often."

My Comments:
And God bless us, every one. This is pretty good news, although tempered significantly by Wal-Mart's decision to cozy up to the same-sex "marriage" lobby.

On the subject of "Christmas" vs. "Holiday", I saw a jewelry commercial the other night that just pissed me off. In it, a couple was cuddling next to a Christmas tree, when the man reached under the tree for a gift that he then handed to the woman. The voice-over said something that began "This Holiday ..."

"This Holiday"? So, is "Holiday" an actual holiday now? It's bad enough when ads say, generically, "the holidays", plural. But at least that can mean the days stretching from Thanksgiving to New Year's, and including Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanzaa, whatever. But to actually substitute the singular word "Holiday" for an actual holiday that quite obviously involves gifts under a Christmas tree is an offensive snub.

I told Sarah: "It's a good thing for that particular jeweler that I can't afford to buy you any jewelry, because I'd definitely not buy it from them."


  1. That’s one that has always bugged me too, how is being wished a Merry Christmas offensive to someone who doesn’t celebrate Christmas? It is a national holiday isn’t it? For someone to get offended that someone else is wishing them a good day, whether they celebrate that day or not is just plain silly.

  2. LOL, well as they flash the "ONLY" prices, I always remind dh that how lucky he is that i'm not a jewelry gal!

    As for Walmart...what to do, what to do. I don't really like shopping there anyway, just because it is ALWAYS SO crowded. DH says he'll join any boycott that involves him not being dragged to that store!

    I'm not a boycott bandwagon gal, myself. Half the time, there is nowhere left to shop/eat if we are boycotting everything we are supposed to be. But is saying Merry Christmas their way of sucking us in to overlook the gay issue?

    Do I support them because they have rectified their evil choices of last year, or do I boycott and pray they get the message that I don't like my money going to support gay agendas?


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