Friday, November 10, 2006

Meme: Five Little Known Things About Me

A couple of weeks ago, Jean of Catholic Fire tagged me with the "Five Little Known Things" meme. I'm finally getting around to answering (sorry it took so long, Jean). Here are my answers:
1. I have in my lifetime claimed to be a Texan and a Virginian. Recently, I moved to Ohio, so I suppose now I'm an Ohioan. But the little known fact is that I was born in none of those states. (Don't ask which state I was born in - my answer will be that I lived in Texas from my infancy until I left to attend law school in Virginia at the age of 22, and then for a couple of years to practice law in Dallas before returning to Virginia.)

2. I have never been a member of any political party (people have always assumed I was a Republican because of my conservative leanings).

3. My goal in life as a child/teenager was to be President of the United States. Nowadays, you couldn't pay me enough money to get me to go back into public life.

4. I was a deacon in my small Baptist church before leaving that church to become Catholic.

5. Sarah and I have two "our songs", both by Van Morrison: "Sweet Thing" and "Into the Mystic".
I'm sure everyone has likely already completed this meme at this point. But if you read this and haven't been tagged yet, consider yourself tagged.


  1. hmm won't say where you were born, dare I guess anyway... Kalifornia!?

  2. It was definitely in the South (by the Grace of God), so at least I have that going for me.

  3. And it sure as hell wasn't Arkansas!


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