Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Is Virgil Goode Running for President?

My hope for the 2012 presidential election is that Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell decides to save the GOP from itself (and Mitt Romney) and enters the field to seek the Republican nomination. He could beat the bunch of stiffs that currently make up the GOP primary field without even trying.

Barring that, however, I STILL may be able to vote for a Virginian for President - there is speculation that my friend, Virgil Goode, may run for President on the Constitution Party ticket:
... The Constitution Party is gearing up for the presidential election year, and its 2012 ballot access campaign. Former Virginia Congressman, Virgil Goode, has expressed a strong interest in seeking the Constitution Party Presidential nomination in 2012 and at its meeting this past weekend, the Constitution Party National Committee unanimously passed a resolution inviting him to do just that...
I'm going to lay it out for you. Virgil is the sort of person I'd be inclined to vote for anyway. I voted for him several times when he was my Congressman, including voting for him back when he was still a Democrat (one of only two Democrats - the other being Congressman Ralph Hall of Texas before he became a Republican - for whom I've ever voted for national office). But if the GOP nominates Mitt Romney, I will happily vote for Virgil Goode in a Goode vs. Romney vs. Obama match-up.

Run, Virgil, run!!!

(Hat tip: Shaun Kenney via his Facebook page)

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