Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Amy's New Travel Blog

Check out Amy Welborn's new travel blog, Booked:
Booked came about this way.

I was sitting around a couple of months ago – early 2011- mulling over future writing projects, actual and proposed. I wasn’t really jazzed by any of them, and spent a few minutes whining to myself…what I really want to do is travel writing. But that can’t happen because…

But wait….why not?

So the idea for Booked was born. Because this is the Internet and I can write about anything I please, right?

Charlotte Was Both will still exist and I will still post there – about books, movies, faith. But I’m going to concentrate more of my energies into travel writing. Readers have enjoyed my travel-related posts in the past so maybe this is a season of just going with that for a while. I am thinking that I can spend a few years seeing things and telling people about those things in interesting and occasionally amusing ways – right?

[Read more]

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