Monday, April 25, 2011

The Dominican Friars' Inspiring New Vocations Video

(Hat tip: Creative Minority Report)

The priest speaking at the very beginning of the video, Fr. Brian Mulcahy, O.P., is the Prior Provincial of the Dominican Province of St. Joseph. 7 years ago, when he was pastor at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish in Charlottesville, Virginia, Fr. Brian brought Sarah and me into the Catholic Church.

My 9-year-old son, Jamie, wants to be a Dominican priest, and nothing would make his mother and father more proud.

Our family just spent a fair amount of time among the Dominicans of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish in Charlottesville during Holy Week while we were back visiting family in The Old Dominion. In addition to outstanding liturgies and providing an orthodox Catholic presence at the University of Virginia, here is what the Dominicans in C'ville are up to these days.

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