Monday, March 07, 2011

Almost Missed It ...

... my "6th Blogiverssary", that is.

Six years ago today - 7 March 2005 - I started Pro Ecclesia * Pro Familia * Pro Civitate with these two posts:

  • Welcome To My Blog

  • Roper v. Simmons: Judicial Activism and The Juvenile Death Penalty

  • Much has happened over the past 6 years, many of my opinions have changed, many readers have come and gone, and a loyal few followers have stuck around. I don't post near as often as I once did, and I can't say that the quality of my postings have improved. In fact, they've probably lost a lot of their thoughtful quality over the years (not that there was much thoughtful content that went into them in the first place).

    At any rate, I don't know how much longer I'll be doing this gig, but I hope you'll stick around for what I have left in the tank. Thanks for reading.


    1. Congratulations on the milestone!

    2. Congrats, Jay - from your northern neighbor.

      I think in human years, your blog is 144.

    3. Thanks, Rick, to someone who was there at the beginning.


    4. Happy anniversary Jay. We need more, not less of you blogging.

    5. Wow, that's like twice the lifespan of your average blog. Congratulations!

    6. I'm glad you're still here! I do miss the "this day in Scottish History" posts.

    7. Congratulations! I think I've done 4 years!

    8. Happy blogiversary. You voice is a needed one in the blogosphere. I've often used it to check my own thinking.

      So thanks for all you've done.

    9. I've been "off blog" for the last few days, so please let me take this opportunity to thank those of you who I haven't already thanked for your kind words of encouragement.


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