Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Heroic Judge Died Saving the Life of Another

Judge John Roll, a devout Catholic (daily Communicant and 4th Degree Knight of Columbus), died in the Tucson shooting while shielding someone else from the deranged gunman's bullets:
... The video, according to Richard Kastigar, the investigative and operational bureau chief of the Pima County Sheriff’s Department, also reveals that Judge John M. Roll appears to have died while helping to save the life of Ronald Barber, a Giffords employees. Mr. Barber, who was near Ms. Giffords when he was shot twice, has left the hospital.


Describing the video, Mr. Kastigar said the judge was “intentionally trying to help Mr. Barber,” adding, “It’s very clear to me the judge was thinking of his fellow human more than himself.”

The judge guides Mr. Barber to the ground, shields him with his body, and then tries to push himself and Mr. Barber away from the gunman, who was no more than three to four feet away as he fired, Mr. Kastigar said.

“He pushes Mr. Barber with his right hand and guides him with his left hand. The judge was on top of him and is covering up Mr. Barber, literally lying on top of him, and his back was exposed,” Mr. Kastigar said.

The judge was shot in the back...
“Greater love than this no man hath, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”

~ Gospel of St. John 15:13

Previous Pro Ecclesia posts on this subject:
Knights of Columbus Mourns Death of Judge John Roll in Arizona Shooting

1 comment:

  1. So not only did he die after a life of honor in a state of grace, after going to daily Mass and receiving Communion, but he died saving another.

    That is a man who lived up to his Baptism. May God be good to him.


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