Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Cranky Conservative is Back in Action

Good news.


  1. Thanks for the link, Jay. Glad to be back in action. I feel like I should add a tag that says "now with 20% more cranky."

  2. ;-)

    I think I'm losing my "cranky" edge. I was working on another juicy takedown of Allahpundit over yet another one of his idiotic "If we don't have gay adoptions there will be more abortions" comments, but found I just don't have the energy for such things anymore.

    Which can also explain the dearth of posts on the media's and the left's calumnious "The right is responsible for what happened in Tucson" crap.

  3. Yeah, I hear what you're saying. The mood really has to strike to really inspire a good, cranky rant.


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