Wednesday, November 10, 2010

“Mary’s Ultrasound” Ad Campaign Draws Criticism From Pro-Aborts in UK

Tom Peters reports at CatholicVote:
I’m thrilled to see this ad campaign and welcome all the controversy it is causing:
An ecumenical nonprofit in England has come under fire for their upcoming Advent campaign designed to put Christ back into Christmas. Their crime? Creating billboards and posters that show a Baby Jesus as an ultrasound, with a halo. The ads, created by say: “He’s on His way. Christmas starts with Christ.”

… The “Baby Scan Jesus” ads are being placed on billboards and posters in churches, retail stores, bus shelters and homes. ChurchAds has also created two clever radio ads: one an airport announcement, the other a humorous telephone message from St. Joseph about the birth of his Son. [Tim Drake at National Catholic Register]

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