Monday, November 01, 2010

Ah, My Beloved Charlottesville [UPDATED]

Carpetbagging lefties have turned this quaint, historic university town - the hometown of Thomas Jefferson - into a socialist canker in the middle of one of the most conservative regions of the Commonwealth of Virginia:

And it's not just carpetbaggers who make my beloved C'ville what it is. Here are some of the homegrown variety of socialists that make Mr. Jefferson's city hostile territory for anyone to the right of Chairman Mao (LANGUAGE WARNING - NOT SAFE FOR WORK):

Can't you just feel the peace and love?

Ironically, you can't drive 100 feet in Charlottesville without seeing one of those insipid "COEXIST" bumper stickers on the back of some Volvo.

(Hat tip: Shaun Kenney)

Previous Pro Ecclesia posts on this subject:
An ObamaCare Catholic in Big Trouble in My Old Stomping Grounds

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