Friday, November 12, 2010

The 8,011-Person Crisis: ObamaCare Proves to be Disproportionate Response to a Relatively Minor Problem

Quote of the day from Ed Morrissey:
375,000: The number of Americans with pre-existing conditions HHS said would apply for coverage in the first year of ObamaCare, one of the main political arguments for its implementation.

8,011: The number that actually did.


That comes to a success rate for that prediction of just under 2.2%. The Wall Street Journal points out that the program operates at a loss — which means that consumers who qualify for the program in essence have partial subsidies by entering it. And yet, despite the billions of dollars committed to funding it and the efforts of 27 states to duplicate it, only eight thousand people have bothered to apply for the program.

The Obama administration and its allies in the Nancy Pelosi Congress revamped one-sixth of the American economy, created new federal mandates, and created chaos in system that worked for the vast majority of Americans,
[ED.: Not to mention providing federal funding for abortion for the first time ever] just to deal with eight thousand people?

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