Friday, October 15, 2010

120th Birthday of "The Big Fella", Michael Collins

"It is my considered opinion that, in the fullness of time, history will record the greatness of Michael Collins, and it will be recorded at my expense."

~ Eamon de Valera

Tomorrow - 16 October - is the 120th anniversary of the birth of one of my heroes - Irish patriot and statesman Michael Collins:
"One day he'll be a great man. He'll do great work for Ireland." -Michael Collins, Sr.

"Yet even the most grotesque subversions of history cannot outdistance the true facts of the story, of a country boy who became the first urban guerrilla, laid the foundations of a state and then negotiated its independence, was chairman of its Provisional Government, then commander in chief of its armed forces when it was plunged into civil war—all this before dying at the hands of his fellow republicans at the age of thirty-one." -A.T.Q. Stewart

Michael Patrick Collins was born on October 16, 1890, near Clonakilty in West Cork, Ireland. As described by Tom Barry, a future friend and colleague of Collins', West Cork "is a poor land, where bogs and mountains predominate, but there are fertile stretches, such as those along the valley of the Bandon and in the vicinity of the towns of Clonakilty and Skibbereen. Those rich areas were in the hands of a small minority, and the large majority of the people had a hard struggle for existence." Michael's father was 36 years older than his mother and this caused Michael to develop a sense of respect for his elders. Moreover, Collins was the baby in a family of eight children. The farm owned by the Collins family boasted ninety acres, an impressive share of land for Catholic farmers of the time.

"…Mary Anne was far advanced in her eighth and last pregnancy, complicated by a bad fall in which she saved the baby she was carrying but broke her ankle. The fracture was inexpertly set, leaving her with a bad limp for the rest of her days, but she struggled on with her chores. One autumn evening she milked her cows as usual, then did a large baking and attended to other household duties before retiring to her bed where, early on the morning of Thursday, 16 October, she gave birth to her third son" (James MacKay, Michael Collins: A Life).

"The care of the smaller children, particularly Michael, devolved upon the older girls. It is the inevitable, and often deeply resented, way with large families; yet from the first they lavished affection upon him. ‘We thought he had been invented for our special edification,’ is Miss Hannie Collins’s comment" (Margery Forester, Michael Collins: The Lost Leader).

Michael Collins as a young boy

When Michael was very young, his father passed away. But shortly before he died, he made a prediction that his son would go on to do great things for Ireland. Though Michael and his father did not have much time together, it is apparent that his words and his own intelligence had a favorable impact on the young boy. The senior Michael Collins had been fluent in several languages including Gaelic and had serious interests in a variety of subjects such as astronomy, construction, architecture, and math. The additional paternal influences in Collins’s life included one of his favorite teachers, Denis Lyons, and a local blacksmith, James Santry. Michael paid close attention to the stories they told and would think of the experiences they’d had whenever he needed a boost to stay motivated. Scholastically, Michael was a voracious reader and a lover of history. He studied the failed rebellions of the past and frequently read the works of authors like Thomas Davis, A.M. and T.D. Sullivan, Thomas Moore, and G.K. Chesterton.

"On the very day he himself was killed he reminisced about an incident when he was no more than five. His father was ill at the time, and for some reason it fell to the boy to pay the rent of £4 6s 8d. On his way to the land-agent’s office in Rosscarbery, Michael chanced to see, in a shop window, a football priced at a shilling. Oh, how he longed for that football, and he quickened his step in the hope that the agent would reward him for prompt payment by giving him a shilling discount, as was sometimes the case. But the man took the full amount, snapping nastily, ‘Tell your father he’s a fool to trust such a small lad with so much money.’ Right there and then, Michael vowed that there would be no land-agents in Ireland if he ever had his way. ... One thing appears to be lacking from Michael’s early boyhood; he seems not to have had any close friends of his own age. After his father died, he preferred his own company, often going for long solitary walks through the beautiful, wild countryside. … And, in turn, Griffith attracted the attention of the precocious schoolboy. In an essay written at the age of twelve, Michael extolled his new-found hero: ‘In Arthur Griffith there is a mighty force afoot in Ireland. He has none of the wildness of some I could name. Instead there is an abundance of wisdom and an awareness of things which ARE Ireland.’ This is all the more remarkable because, at that time, Griffith’s potential was recognised by very few politicians." (MacKay).

It was typical for children raised in County Cork to become postal workers and Collins followed this example by taking up residence in England. This process has been documented by noted Collins biographer, Tim Pat Coogan:

"There was at the time a tradition of recruiting for the British postal service in the Clonakilty area. When a baby boy was born, the neighbours' first comment on looking into the pram was 'musha 'tis the fine sorter he'll make.'"

Michael was no exception...

[Read more about the life of Michael Collins]

"Hang Up Your Brightest Colours: The Life and Death of Michael Collins"
This 1973 documentary, a biography of Michael Collins by Kenneth Griffith,
was banned that same year by both the British and Irish Governments.
The ban was not lifted until a quarter century after the film was produced.

Video showing actual footage of Michael Collins

This scene from "The Treaty", starring Brendan Gleeson as Michael Collins,
shows how the Big Fella was able to travel around Ireland in the open
and still evade capture by the British forces.

A scene from the movie "Michael Collins", starring Liam Neeson
in the lead role. (Brendan Gleeson, who played Collins in "The Treaty"
and who bears a closer resemblance to the Big Fella than does Neeson,
also appears in the movie as one of Collins' collaborators, Liam Tobin.)

Until very recently, no statue of Michael Collins existed
anywhere in the world. Tim and Dolores Crowley of the
Michael Collins Center and Traolach O’ Donnabhain of
Clonakilty Historical Society organized an effort to
rectify that. Sculptor Kevin Holland was commissioned
to make a seven foot bronze statue of Collins and it was
placed at the edge of Emmet Square in Clonakilty.
22 August 2002, the 80th anniversary of the Big Fella’s death,
was the date for the unveiling, and Liam Neeson travelled from
the U.S. to unveil the statue.

"Michael Collins" by The Wolfe Tones

"Michael Collins" by Johnny McEvoy

"The Ballad of Michael Collins" by Brendan O'Reilly

Video footage of "Michael Collins - A Musical Drama",
a fairly new musical on the life of Michael Collins
produced by the Cork Opera House

Promotional video for "Michael Collins - A Musical Drama"

‘‘He was the man whose matchless energy, whose indomitable will, carried Ireland through the terrible crisis; and though I have not now, and never had, an ambition about either political affairs or history, if my name is to go down in history I want it to be associated with the name of Michael Collins.’’

~ Arthur Griffith

For more on Michael Collins, see
  • General Michael Collins (website of the Collins 22 Society, of which I am a member)

  • Michael Collins - The Lost Leader

  • The Michael Collins Centre

  • The Michael Collins Web Page

  • An excellent and very comprehensive Michael Collins Site

  • A Man Against An Empire - History Net

  • Michael Collins Irish Leader - Economic Expert

  • Michael Collins - Military History Online

  • Michael Collins - University College Cork

  • The "Michael Collins" Official Movie Site

  • MICHAEL COLLINS - A Musical Drama

  • Michael Collins Irish Whiskey

  • Recommended Reading:
  • The Path to Freedom by Michael Collins

  • Michael Collins: The Man Who Made Ireland by Tim Pat Coogan

  • Michael Collins: A Life by James MacKay

  • The Big Fellow: Michael Collins & the Irish Revolution by Frank O'Connor

  • Michael Collins : The Lost Leader by Margery Forester

  • Illustrated Life of Michael Collins by Colm Connolly

  • Michael Collins - A Life in Pictures by Chrissy Osborne

  • Michael Collins and the Troubles: The Struggle for Irish Freedom 1912-1922 by Ulick O'Connor

  • Michael Collins's Intelligence War: The Struggle Between the British and the IRA 1919-1921 by Michael T. Foy

  • The Squad: and the intelligence operations of Michael Collins by T. Ryle Dwyer

  • Michael Collins and the Making of the Irish State by Gabriel Doherty (Author), Dermot Keogh (Editor)

  • "Michael Collins' Ireland: Following In The Footsteps Of The Big Fellow From Dublin To County Cork", Chicago Tribune, March 7, 1999

  • Recommended Viewing:
  • "Michael Collins"
    (1996 Neil Jordan film starring Liam Neeson in the title role - can be purchased via

  • "The Treaty"
    (1991 RTE/BBC production starring Brendan Gleeson as Michael Collins, in a much better portrayal of The Big Fella than that of Neeson - difficult to find, but a DVD copy can be purchased

  • "The Shadow of Béalnabláth"
    (1991 documentary on the life and death of Collins by Colm Connolly - used VHS copies available on

  • "Hang Up Your Brightest Colours"
    (1973 documentary on the life and death of Collins by Kenneth Griffith; banned for many years in both England and Ireland - a DVD copy can be purchased

  • "The Wind That Shakes the Barley"
    (2006 Ken Loach film is a fictionalized drama focusing on the War of Independence and the ensuing Irish Civil War in Collins' native Cork - can be purchased via

  • Shake Hands with the Devil
    (1959 film is a fictionalized drama starring James Cagney, Michael Redgrave, and Don Murray as members of the IRA battling the "Black and Tans" in 1921 during the War of Independence - can be purchased via

  • Previous Pro Ecclesia posts on this subject:
    "The Spirit of Michael Collins"

    In Memory of "The Big Fella", Michael Collins (d. 22 August 1922)

    85th Anniversary of the Death of "The Big Fella", Michael Collins

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