Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A Matter of Perspective: "Most Livable" Cities?

MSN has ranked what it considers the 10 most "livable" cities (taking affordability into account) in the U.S. Not surprisingly, at least not to me, Columbus, OH made the list. I love Columbus and would definitely consider it one of the most "livable" places in the country.

However, I found it somewhat interesting that what makes Columbus most "livable" to MSN is one aspect of the Ohio city that I find least "livable":
... And it is surprisingly liberal, with a low number of people describing themselves as religious and a larger-than-average share of self-described gay households...
(emphasis added)


  1. I always take those with a grain of salt. One of them I read listed Findlay, OH as a great city to live in. I spent 6 months commuting to Findlay and hated it.

  2. I think most of the cities listed (Houston excepted) really would be great cities in which to live. MSN is right that Columbus is a great city, just not for the reasons they list.


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