Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Another Candidate for Don's "Know-Nothing" Series [UPDATED]

[See below for update. It appears Congresswoman DeGette was misquoted by The Hill.]

Pro-abort Congresswoman (and Chief-Deputy Whip) Diana DeGette:
The Hill writes up an ABC interview:
She also said that religiously-affiliated groups like the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, which had pushed for the Stupak provision, should be shut out of the process.

"Last I heard, we had separation of church and state in this country," she said. "I've got to say that I think the Catholic bishops and all of the other groups shouldn't have input."
Hat tip: Opinionated Catholic, who has even more on the story.

UPDATE (18 November)
It seems The Hill misquoted Congresswoman DeGette.

Previous Pro Ecclesia posts on this subject:
Politico Says Catholic Church Racist and Sexist

The New Know-Nothings and the Reprise of a Major Award for "Outstanding" Achievements in Anti-Catholicism


  1. This one is definitely in the running this week Jay. Thanks for the heads up!

  2. Don,

    I've updated this post. Looks like The Hill misquoted DeGette.


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