Wednesday, October 28, 2009

More from Archbishop Dolan on "Bishop Tobin and Representative Kennedy"

New York's Archbishop Dolan writes on his new blog:
Over this past weekend, several people mentioned to me Representative Patrick Kennedy’s blast at bishops for allegedly dividing the nation on the issue of healthcare; you can view the video here. His remarks were sad, uncalled-for, and inaccurate.

The Catholic community in the United States hardly needs to be lectured to about just healthcare. We’ve been energetically into it for centuries. And we bishops have been advocating for universal healthcare for a long, long time.

All we ask is that it be just that -- universal -- meaning that it includes the helpless baby in the womb, the immigrant, and grandma in a hospice, and that it protects a healthcare provider’s right to follow his/her own conscience.

This is what the President says he wants; this is what we bishops say we want.

Bishop Thomas Tobin, Representative Kennedy’s bishop, has a good point: Mr. Kennedy owes us an apology.
(emphasis added)

Previous Pro Ecclesia posts on this subject:
A Kennedy Spits at the Church, and His Bishop Responds Harshly [UPDATED]

For Kennedys, Poor Driving Runs in the Family

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