Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Tip of the Day: Buy Tydings Trew ... Cheap!

Tydings Trew is a recording of medieval Christmas music by the group Lionheart. I've blogged about this recording before, and have encouraged my readers to go out and buy it. It is, without a doubt, the best Christmas CD I own.

So, today I learn that is currently selling Tydings Trew for $6.98, and some of Amazon's affiliates are listing the recording brand new for as low as $3.12 and "used - like new" for as low as $2.98.

Take my word for it: take advantage of these low prices and buy Tydings Trew. I think I may have paid nearly $18.00 for it when I purchased my CD a few years ago, and it has been well worth the money spent. To be able to buy it now for as low as $6.00 after shipping is a steal.

1 comment:

  1. Jay, I've been enjoying Tydings Trew (on your recommendation) this year, and I noticed that Lionheart is coming to sing at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (in KC) tomorrow night. I'd love to go, but tickets are $35 . . . a little steep for my blood. Thanks for the good tip.


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