Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Lefty Catholic Commentators Missed Their Chance to Dissuade Bishops on Abortion Stance

From Catholic News Agency:
Baltimore, Nov 17, 2008 / 11:03 pm (CNA).- As the U.S. bishops prepare to strongly oppose the expected pro-abortion policies of an Obama administration, two Catholic Democratic commentators have published an editorial calling on the bishops to focus on other issues besides abortion. That call, however, appears to be too little, too late.

Patrick Whelan, president of Catholic Democrats, and Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, former lieutenant governor of Maryland, made their case in a Sunday editorial in the Baltimore Sun. Claiming that Catholic voters’ majority preference for Obama shows they care about other issues...

They also advocated social programs instead of legal protections for the unborn as more effective means to reduce the numbers of abortions.

Citing episcopal statements deeming pro-life issues central to responsible voting considerations, the two writers said “all this talk about abortion,” which they characterized as defending “the need to vote Republican,” showed some bishops wanted a Republican victory.

Whelan and Townsend’s editorial followed action at the U.S. bishops’ fall meeting last week in which American prelates pledged to work with the Obama presidency “for the common good of all” on issues such as immigration, education, health care, and religious freedom.

... Whelan previously had warned the bishops not to make any strong statements on abortion, which he claimed would be counterproductive and “only alienate Catholics” ...

At their annual meeting, the bishops insisted that life itself is a “fundamental good,” lamenting the removal of legal protection for the unborn mandated by the 1973 Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade. They also attacked the proposed Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) as “legislation that is more radical” than Roe v. Wade.

The bishops also defended their focus on pro-life issues.

“The bishops are single-minded because they are, first of all, single-hearted,” the bishops’ statement said.

The statement was written under an unusual process, with USCCB President Cardinal Francis George being asked to write the letter with the bishops’ approval. In normal circumstances, such a statement would have needed to pass through an administrative committee.
(emphasis added)

1 comment:

  1. The same former Lt. Governor of Maryland who appeared on MSNBC's Hardball back in June and chuckled and chortled with the likes of the president of Planned Parenthood and executive director of EMILY's List in discussing McCain as a threat to a woman's right to choose [to whack her unborn child].

    Paul makes a sad and scary assessment that many of these Catholic Obama supporters have made their peace with abortion. I'm afraid in some cases I can't disagree.

    On a lighter, pro-life note, thanks for the congratulations.


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