Don't Hold Your Breath Waiting for Obama Catholics to Step Up
Sadly, Dale is likely correct in this assessment:
I'm talking about those recent essays calling upon Catholics who supported Obama to act as a restraining force on his policies for abortion, etc.My Comments:
Exqueeze me? Baking powder? Asphinctersayswhat?
OK, so Zippy's is a rhetorical exercise, and no less illuminating for that--note the entertaining subject-change softshoe in the comments box there.
But let's say for the sake of argument that the bulk of them want to go that route (for counter-evidence, go here) and fully intend to tell the President "Whoa--stop right there."
On what basis could they credibly object? More to the point, why should President Obama take them seriously? It's not like he's betraying them--they signed on knowing where he stood. So much for their hypothetical objections to federal embryo farming.
More to the point, they've already conceded on non-industrialized abortion, having entrusted that portfolio to Doug Kmiec's mystical poverty-fighting unicorn, ridden into battle by the suitably-androgynous "Social Justice" Fairy.Sure, we're abolishing all of the modest limitations on abortion nationwide with FOCA and consigning the Hyde Amendment to the pyre, but it'll still come out a net plus with all of that new spending.And they say pro-lifers are dupes of the GOP. What about Obama's pro-life contingent?
--Yours in Hope and Change,
Some Mid-Level Aide to the President.
P.S. Feel free to call us again starting some time in November 2011.
Nevertheless, Regular Guy Paul is also correct that it is important to continue to hold the Obama Catholics' feet to the fire on the pro-life issue, to keep them to the "pro-life" promises they made on behalf of President-elect Obama, and to document their failures in that regard.
Previous Pro Ecclesia posts on this subject:
Zippy: "How Can We Help?"
Labels: Catholic Social Teaching, Culture of Death, Obama, Pro-Life, Social Justice, The Catholic Vote, Voting Your Values
The Catholic Obama supporters promises are just as good as all campaign promises.
They were totally unrealistic and the idea that the gov will do anything to persuade women not to have an abortion is laughable at best.
What promises did we make? Seriously?
I signed on knowing that he, like President Clinton would support abortion. But, just like under Clinton's admin, the abortion rate did not rise, instead it fell.
If you would look at Western Europe, they have tax payer funded abortions AND they have lower abortion rates than the US. Hmmm. From YOUR logic that shouldn't happen.
Now, some people argue that because W.E. has stricter abortion laws they affect the lower abortion rate. But when we see that 95% of all abortions done in the US are in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, which is when they are legal everywhere else in the world, that argument fails.
Stop looking at either or. Pro-life policies can cause high abortion rates and pro-choice policies can decrease abortion (frankly it is more about the other social policies than abortion alone).
Your cause and effect is off and that is why the essays you keep waiting for may not happen.
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