Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Bishops Serious About Closing Catholic Hospitals if FOCA Passes

Feddie writes:
Dear President-elect Obama (and other liberals), the bishops aren’t bluffing. The Church takes this abortion issue pretty seriously, in case you hadn’t noticed.
My Comments:
And if the Bishops do follow through on their principles and shut down Catholic hospitals so as to avoid being required to engage in practices antithetical to Catholic teaching, I guarantee you that those who will squeal the loudest will be those on the Catholic left who will cry that the Church's commitment to social action in the health care arena is being "held hostage" to abortion politics.


  1. I guarantee you that those who will squeal the loudest will be those on the Catholic left who will cry that the Church's commitment to social action in the health care arena is being "held hostage" to abortion politics.

    Spot on!

  2. I can almost see this all play out already...

    Hospitals will shut down (Bishops will have done the right thing and I give them credit for it.)

    However it will be used against us...

    1-Media will start smearing the Catholic Bishops for this to a degree that makes the hit job on Sarah Palin look like a PR video.

    2-Loosing 1/3 US hosptials will require President Obama to take action in the midst of this "health-care crisis" maybe the gov't will seize and nationalize the hospitals to deal with the emergency. Hospital employees mostly won't mind, happy to keep their jobs and all.

    I may be wrong on this but I seem to recall that the Soviet Union was the first modern nation to legalize abortion on demand. Prior to the revolution most Russian hosptials were run by the Orthodox Church (atleast in name I think.)

    I wonder if the Soviet abortion legalization was a way to get the Church out of the health-care business real quic and get the state in on it.

    I recall a line in Dr. Zhivago where he is being questoined by some communists and says he worked at "Holy Cross Hospital" they frown and tell him it is now "The Second Reformed Hospital." Zhivago says "oh good, it needed reforming" and laughs nervously as the communists continue to glare at him.


  3. It does not seem that leaving the health-care ministry is really the best option out there. I will agree that this is a better option, than cooperating in state-sancationed murder, but the sudden withdrawl of the Catholic Church from health-care, would be matched by the sudden expansion of the state-power as Anonymous stated in his example from the Soviet Union.

    The better option would seem to be just a flat-out refusal to follow the law. Since it is an unjust law, which also does great harm to the "bonuum commune," it is both right and just to refuse to comply with it.

    I think this will prevent the sudden expansion of state-power, unless they just outright seize the hospitals, and it would fair better in the media.



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