Monday, May 19, 2008

Obama the Egghead Professor is Bound and Determined to "Explain" All Us Red Staters and Our Unwillingness to Support Him

Obama just doesn't know when to shut up about his lack of popularity among "red-state" and working-class voters:

... Move right along. Obama's our nominee. We're stuck with him. Here he explains his impending loss in Kentucky:

"What it says is that I'm not very well known in that part of the country," Obama said. "Sen. Clinton, I think, is much better known, coming from a nearby state of Arkansas. So it's not surprising that she would have an advantage in some of those states in the middle." [E.A.]

Cling Alert! ... As emailer "S" notes: 1) "Last time I checked, Illinois was more 'nearby' Kentucky than Arkansas. Heck, they even touch." 2) "[I]sn't there something a tad condescending in his reference to "some of those states in the middle"? ...

P.S.: Obama also said that Kentucky Democrats are fools who let themselves get pumped full of false rumors by Fox News, or words to that effect. But he'll rally them in the fall! ...

Note to Sen. Obama: Please stop explaining! ...
My Comments:
What a dolt! Not ready for prime time.

The very notion that people not voting for him **is a phenomenon that needs a complex explanation** is exactly why I think he (and even more so, his supporters) are arrogant patronizing sob's ...

Previous Pro Ecclesia posts on this subject:
Democrats Fail to Learn Lessons of 2004 - Part 2: Why Red Staters "Vote Against Our Interests" [UPDATED]

Democrats Fail to Learn the Lessons of 2004

Attention Super-Delegates: Obama Cedes Ohio Valley?

Obama Disses Blue Collar Voters Again: Says They "Cling to Guns or Religion" Because They Are "Bitter" [UPDATED]

Obama's Problems in Pennsylvania Mirror His Problems in Ohio

Obama Attributes Support for Reagan by Blue Collar "Reagan Democrats" to "Anger Over Welfare and Affirmative Action" [UPDATED]

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At 5/19/2008 1:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If this bozo were not receiving press coverage slightly more favorable than what Christ would receive the day after the Second Coming perhaps the Democrats would ponder whether it is a good idea to nominate a candidate who appears to go out of his way to tick off all white voters to the right of Joe Stalin or who lack an Ivy League degree. As usual, the slavish devotion of most of the mainstream Press to the Democrat Party is both the blessing and the curse of the Democrats.

At 5/19/2008 2:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A Harvard grad, U of Chicago prof and U.S. Senator from Illinois should have a little better knowledge of U.S. geography.

At 5/19/2008 2:39 PM, Blogger matthew archbold said...

methinks the "those states in the middle" might just come up again during this election cycle.

At 5/19/2008 2:52 PM, Blogger Pro Ecclesia said...

Which is why I'm not too impressed by the crowds of 65,000 that Obama draws on the left coast. That about equals his total turnout in "some of those states in the middle".

At 5/19/2008 4:27 PM, Blogger Snobama X said...

The very notion that people not voting for him **is a phenomenon that needs a complex explanation** is exactly why I think he (and even more so, his supporters) are arrogant patronizing sob's, quite apart from whether the particular details of this or that explanation are arrogant or patronizing (though "clinging to God from bitterness" certainly is anyway).


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