Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Evil Two-Headed Monster

Remember that creation of the 1996 Democrat-funded attack "issue" ads: some scary person named "Dole/Gingrich"?

The entire purpose of the (probably illegal) ad campaign was to tie Bob Dole - a man with a 30+ year history in Congress - to a man he most likely detested, the then-unpopular Newt Gingrich. The ads sought to make the sum of Dole's entire political career nothing more than the previous 2 years of the so-called "Gingrich Revolution".

Did it work? I don't know if people bought it or not. Clinton was going to win re-election anyway, even without the "Dole/Gingrich" ad campaign. Clinton's margin of victory, while convincing, wasn't as big as expected (as he failed to garner even 50% of the vote). But the perception at the time was that the DNC's ad campaign had effectively tied Dole to Gingrich, thereby making him "unelectable".

Last week, after John McCain pretty much wrapped up the GOP nomination, I almost predicted that we would see something similar from the Democrats this go-round: that they would create some evil two-headed monster named "Bush/McCain". I'm not sure why I never got around to writing that blog post, but I didn't. I wish I had because then I could boast about my prescient skills of prognostication.

Today, comes this report:
Obama launched his first serious shots at McCain tonight (unless he's used these lines in speeches I've missed). First, we saw him use the phrase "Bush-McCain Republicans." Then, he delivered a long denunciation/distortion of McCain's position on the war ... (emphasis added)
It would be somewhat ironic were McCain denied the White House because the opposition was able to effectively tie him to the unpopular policies of a man he quite likely despises for denying him a run at the White House 8 years ago.



At 2/13/2008 1:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

But you know what: if there was/is a GOP candidate who does actually represent a continuation of Bush policies, it might just be McCain.

Think about it this way - how much did McCain really veer from Bush policy wise? Tax cuts (bad), Medicare prescription drugs (good),and maybe Guantanamo Bay. He was there with Bush on amnesty, and Bush signed McCain-Feingold. And McCain was one of the loudest cheerleaders for the war in Iraq, the only difference being McCain was for a more aggressive prosecution of the war.

In other words, even though McCain may personally dislike Bush, he is a lot closer to him from a policy standpoint than Dole was from Gingrich. It may not totally be fair for Obama to make this connection, but he's not way off.


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