Wednesday, January 23, 2008

An American Papist At the March for Life

Thomas Peters of American Papist has penned today's cover story on the March for Life at InsideCatholic:
... This year a new note -- and a strong one -- was repeated throughout the day: The end of the abortion struggle is near. Conversation buzzed around recent studies that show the number of abortions performed in America is at a 30-year low, due in part to small victories in limiting abortion access and practice. Advocates who have been involved in the pro-life movement from its beginning echoed this optimism in their presentations.

One observer claimed that over 80 percent of marchers this year were under the age of 25, and my observations would corroborate that. Everywhere I looked, I saw young faces. While waiting for the March to begin, they prayed rosaries, listened attentively to the speakers, and sang hymns. The young seminarians and religious sisters were especially notable for their enthusiasm; and several groups of youth had composed their own chants for the walk.

I tried my best to locate a counter-demonstration or pro-choice rally, but could not...


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