Monday, December 03, 2007

Norwalk Catholic School on The Golden Compass

From Norwalk Catholic School's Friday Flyer:
“The Golden Compass”: There has been much discussion in literary and religion circles about the book trilogy and upcoming movie, “The Golden Compass.” The Catholic League began a campaign in August to boycott the film. They do not take issue with the film itself, but that the film will make young people want to read the books. The books allegedly make subtle attacks on the power of an institution like the Catholic Church. One of “The Golden Compass” books is in the Scholastic Book order form this month. Please, guide your child’s selections. We do not have this book available in our library and we removed it from our book fair.

Another point of view….One resource, Sr. Rose Pacatte, who works in media literacy education for parents and teachers within the context of culture and faith formation, encourages parents to read the books and be ready to guide their children in discussions of questionable topics presented in the series. She feels that just telling young people “NO” will result in the child watching the film or reading the books without parent knowledge. Children may not understand what adults will understand and will not “get” what the parents are upset about. This may present an opportunity for catechesis.

(emphasis added)
My Comments:
Kudos to Norwalk Catholic Elementary School Principal Mrs. French for addressing this topic responsibly.

Previous Pro Ecclesia posts on this subject:
USCCB Needs a New Film Reviewer

Caveman Clubs Catholic School Teacher for Promoting Anti-Catholic Works of Phillip Pullman

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