Sunday, December 02, 2007

Digest of Weekend's Posts (2 December 2007)

Sunday, 2 December
  • It's "Official" - Ohio State Plays LSU in BCS Title Game

  • Buckeyes Appear Set for BCS Title Game

  • Saturday, 1 December
  • Feliz Navi-Toss

  • USCCB Needs a New Film Reviewer

  • (Digest of Friday's Posts (29 November 2007))

    1 comment:

    1. I watched a National Geographic video on the Vatican that I checked out of our local library. It was sad to see how people are encouraged to give honor and pray to dead people instead of the living Christ who is the only one who can intervene on ones behalf. Mortals (even the pope) cannot choose saints and make their memory or position of any true spiritual effect. We are all sinners in need of Christ's cleansing and sanctification. Tradition with all its beautiful trappings has blinded so many people from the truth of the Gospel, which states that there is no other way but through Christ.


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