Friday, November 02, 2007

U.S. Catholic Bishops' Pro-Life Secretariat to Congress: Support the Mexico City Policy

(Hat tip:

A press release from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Secretariat for Pro-Life:
WASHINGTON, Nov. 1 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- On October 31, 2007, as the House Committee on Foreign Affairs convened a hearing on the Mexico City Policy, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) ran ads in four Capitol Hill publications urging members of Congress to support "that sensible policy." The Mexico City Policy, currently under attack, ensures that the U.S. does not fund foreign non-governmental organizations that promote abortion as family planning abroad.

The USCCB's full-page ad in Roll Call, The Hill, CQ Today, and Congress Daily AM features the image of a woman from the developing world holding her child, paired with a quotation from Grace Olivarez, dissenting member of John D. Rockefeller III's federal advisory commission on population: "The poor cry out for justice and equality and we respond with legalized abortion."

Yesterday's hearing included pro-life testimony from Kenyan obstetrician and gynecologist Jean Kagia, MD, who compared efforts to legalize abortion in Africa with an earlier era's damaging and long-lasting influence by non-African outsiders. "The promotion of and effort to legalise abortion in Africa is a foreign agenda and a form of recolonisation," Dr. Kagia said.

(emphasis added)

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