Henry Hyde - Tireless Defender of the Unborn, RIP

Rep. Henry Hyde, a Catholic from Illinois who recently received the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his tireless work in Congress to protect the unborn, has passed away.
Requiscat in pace.
(Hat tip: Alexham at Vox Nova)
National Review's editorial on Rep. Hyde's passing: "The Honorable Mr. Hyde":
... He will be most remembered for the Hyde Amendment. First passed in 1976, when Hyde was new to Washington, it bans the public funding of abortions though Medicaid. The year before it passed, the federal government had financed 300,000 abortions for low-income women. Afterward, this number dropped essentially to zero — the women either found another way to pay for their abortions or chose life for their unborn children. The National Right to Life Committee has estimated, conservatively, that the Hyde Amendment has prevented at least one million abortions. That’s one million Americans who are alive today because of Henry Hyde.
The Hyde Amendment has proven remarkably durable, undergoing only one important revision. In 1993, Congress added rape and incest exceptions to the life-of-the-mother clause that had been in place from the start. It is without question the most important piece of pro-life legislation ever to pass Congress...
More from National Review on Rep. Hyde's passing, this time from David Freddoso writing at The Corner:
Hyde at Notre Dame
Everyone remembers the famous [ED.: rather, infamous] Mario Cuomo speech at Notre Dame, in which he urged Catholics to keep right and wrong to themselves when it comes to abortion. But how many people remember that shortly after his speech, conservatives at Notre Dame invited Rep. Henry Hyde (R-Ill.) to speak on the topic of religion in public life?
The Associated Press covered his speech on September 24, 1984, as true today as it ever was ...
Previous Pro Ecclesia posts on this subject:
Henry Hyde Awarded Medal of Freedom
Henry Hyde to Get Presidential Medal of Freedom for Opposing Abortion
Hyde and Scalia, Catholics With Consequences
Labels: Catholic Identity, Catholic Social Teaching, Pro-Life, Republicans
"Let the innocence of the unborn have the last word in this debate. Let their innocence appeal to what President Lincoln called the better angels of our nature. Let our votes prove Raskolnikov is wrong. There is something we will never get used to. Make it clear once again there is justice for all, even for the tiniest, most defenseless in this, our land."
In morally saner times to come Henry Hyde will be remembered as a giant who fought an untiring battle for the weakest among us.
Thanks for letting us know. I didn't know he was prolife or that he had passed away. Sorry for my ignorance of American politics, I am Canadian. I have though heard of Henry Hyde.
God bless,
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