Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Ohio Governor Urged to Reconsider Decision to Reject Abstinence Funding

From CitizenLink:
The National Abstinence Education Association (NAEA) is launching a campaign in Ohio to encourage Gov. Ted Strickland to reconsider his rejection of federal abstinence-education funds.

Abstinence education is taught in all but two counties in Ohio, serving nearly 100,000 students. The program has served as a model for other states.

“This is a very significant move that the governor has made,” said Valerie Huber, executive director of the NAEA, “We want to send a very strong message to the governor that not only is this unacceptable, but, more importantly, he is taking away the best health message for youth across the state.”

A press conference Thursday will kick off the campaign, and the NAEA is urging people to show support.

“We want to have at least 500 people turn out,” Huber said, so the governor “receives a very clear message from Ohioans regarding this issue.”

The campaign will ask people to call the governor’s office daily to ask him to change his mind.

Attend the NAEA press conference at 10 a.m. EST Thursday at the Ohio Statehouse atrium.

Visit the NAEA Web site for campaign updates.

Previous Pro Ecclesia posts on this subject:
Ohio Governor Strickland Axes Abstinence Program

Because, You Know, When it Comes to the Pro-Life Issue at the State Level, It Doesn't Really Matter Which Party Gets Elected

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