Tuesday, November 13, 2007

National Catholic Register Asks: "Will Brownbackers Back Huckabee?"

From the November 18-24, 2007 issue of the National Catholic Register:
WASHINGTON — Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee is gradually building support among religious voters, particularly after a well received speech at last month’s Values Voters Summit in Washington D.C.

Huckabee won the straw poll among conference attendees.

Huckabee’s committed principles against embryonic stem-cell research, same-sex “marriage” and abortion are sitting well with religious voters, as a candidate who has a proven record for pushing through legislative successes in Arkansas.

Now that Brownback has dropped out of the race, Huckabee supporters are wondering if Brownbackers will gravitate towards Huckabee.

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My Comments:
For this "Brownbacker", the jury's still out on the guy who didn't even know what the Mexico City Policy was.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that Huckabee is no Brownback on foreign policy, but that's what advisors are for. I would recommend Alan Keyes for Secretary of State.
    Mike Huckabee is the only truly pro-life candidate with a chance in the Republican line up, and Iowans seem aware of this, as he polled only two points below Romney, the flip-flopper on abortion.


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