Friday, November 02, 2007

Catholic Chronicle's Media Watch: "Toledo Television Misrepresents Facts"

From the November issue of The Catholic Chronicle:

Fox Toledo aired a segment titled “Rant and Rave” Oct. 16 in which Tom Watkins incorrectly referred to the Red Mass held at Rosary Cathedral Sept. 13 as being initiated by the diocese.

The Red Mass is a tradition dating back to the 1200s and is held throughout the world to promote peace and justice. The Red Mass in Toledo was held at the request and through the initiation of a local attorney and magistrate.

Mr. Watkins also accused the Diocese of having unanswered allegations of priest sexual abuse. The diocese adheres to the provisions and protections of the Dallas Charter and all information regarding credible allegations can be found in the “To Protect and To Heal” section of the diocesan Web site,

The diocese will not tolerate child abuse or sexual misconduct, which violates human dignity and the mission of the church. Anyone abused by church personnel is encouraged to report the incident to Frank DiLallo, diocesan case manager, and to civil authorities.

Mr. Watkins also conflated the issue of priest sexual abuse of minors with allegations made against Father David Nuss and his appointment as pastor of Perrysburg St. Rose. While Fr. Nuss’ relationship with a woman his own age outside of the diocese was sinful, hurtful of others and unacceptable for a priest, in no way was the relationship civilly unlawful.

Finally, Mr. Watkins also accused the diocese of interfering with justice during the interrogation of Father Gerald Robinson more than 20 years ago. It is alleged the questioning of Fr. Robinson without the benefit of an attorney ended when Assistant Chief of Police Ray Vetter and Toledo Police Chaplain Msgr. Jerome Schmidt entered the room.

During the time of the interrogation referred to, Fr. Robinson was not in police custody and would not be arrested until 2005. In this matter, the Diocese of Toledo was not an involved party.
My Comments:
That sounds an awful lot like some things that were said by a commenter[s] at this blog in reference to my Toledo Red Mass post.

Again, I'm just not seeing the connection between a Red Mass and all this other stuff.


  1. If it helps any, Fox Toledo's newscasts are usually ranked #3 out of the 4 main Toledo broadcast stations. November sweeps will be the first book highlighting their new extended time-frame which includes the rants by Tom and other Toledoans.

  2. Again, I'm just not seeing the connection between a Red Mass and all this other stuff.

    Probably because there isn't one.


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