Monday, November 19, 2007

Cardinal O'Malley's Criticism of Pro-Abort Dems "Met With Silence"

Catholics in the Public Square has the details of the stony cold silent reaction to Cardinal O'Malley's recent statement that Catholic support of pro-abortion Democrats "borders on scandal":
... As they have for years, most Catholic Democrats in Massachusetts are likely to continue to disagree with the church on abortion without worrying much about the consequences for them or their party. If Catholic voters punished their politicians for opposing church views on abortion - or gay marriage, or any other subject - the response might be quite different, political experts said last week. But they haven't...


Previous Pro Ecclesia posts on this subject:
Cardinal O'Malley: Catholics Backing Pro-Abortion Democrats "Borders on Scandal"

1 comment:

  1. What is there to say? If you're a pro-abort politician, you're not going to slam the Archbishop and confirm that you're proudly defying the Faith.

    The silence means that the offending parties are either going to quietly continue to subvert the Church, or they're flipping through the phone book, looking for the nearest Episcopalian parish listing.


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